

Gettin' Wild

Officially started on the nursery this weekend, and I'm pretty much obsessed already!
In case you don't know, we are doing a "Where the Wild Things Are" theme.
And now you know:)

Luckily, we haven't touched this room since we moved Lincoln to his big boy room nearly a year all the baby furniture was still in there and assembled. We bought a black cubed bookshelf thingy for storing books and toys in, and still need to find the bedding and some artwork.

But here it is so far from a couple different angles:
I know these pictures suck, but it's REALLY hard to take good pictures in a tiny room!

The tree's are from Etsy, and while they took FOREVER to put up, I love them. 
And check that moon nightlight...I'm so jealous I didn't get one for my room.

1 comment:

you. rock.